Real Estate Blog
[Video] We Buy Houses in Baltimore – but What Kinds of Houses?
Considering the current state of the economy, specifically the Baltimore housing market, it’s no wonder that selling one’s home for cash seems to be...
What is a HUD-1 Settlement Statement and Other FAQs
A HUD-1 Settlement Statement is a document you get one day before closing on your mortgage. The document lists all of the charges and credits which...
6 Ways to Get Out from Under a Mortgage
Once you sign on the dotted line for your mortgage, you enter into a solid, long-lasting commitment. It can outlast the house or owner itself! To...
10 Reasons to Declutter to Sell Your Home Fast
When you want to sell your home, first declutter it. In markets where there is a lot of competition among sellers who want to make their home stand...
Calculate the True Cost of Selling Your Home
Real estate commissions are only a part of the expenses you might incur when you sell your house. No matter how skilled an agent you hire, the...
Ways to Repair Your Credit Rating
After foreclosure or short sale, you will want to repair your credit. Selling your house or being relieved of your mortgage obligation may have...
House Buying Companies – Are they legit?
Ever heard of companies that claim to buy houses? You may have seen “We buy houses” ads on telephone poles or late night TV, or noticed sloppy...
Life After a Foreclosure
When you buy a home, you don’t plan on losing it through foreclosure or having to sell your home through a short sale. Ending your home ownership...
New to the DC Area? Here Are Resources to Know to Help Your Clients Sell Their Homes’
DC has a resilient housing market that has bounced back more quickly than other areas of the country. This is good news for a Realtor® who is new...
Five Tips on How to Sell Your Home Fast
Do you need to sell your house fast? In many markets around the country, including certain areas of Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland, house...