Real Estate Blog
New Credit Card Laws Not a Win/Win for Consumers
There’s good news and bad news for consumers about what banks can do now that long-anticipated changes to credit card laws have taken effect on February 22, 2010.
Not So Free Credit Reports
If those commercials for have ever sent you running to your computer to order the free annual report that the government says...
Don’t Try This at Home!
Times are tough, and some homeowners feel defeated by impending foreclosure. Some try to work out a solution with their bank. Others try to do a short sale.
How Bad Credit Costs You
As anyone who has watched silly commercials about people with poor credit being doomed to drive hoopties or make their living in costume at a...
Strategic Default Allows Some Homeowners to Swim Back to the Top
The dilemma today for many considering loan modifications or even considering whether to move from the trial to the permanent phase of the process is whether it is worth it in the long run.
Lower the Principle, Lower Loan Modification Default Rates
Loan modifications would have a better chance of working if the principle was lowered according to a study by the New York Federal Reserve Bank.
Some Foreclosures Suspended for the Holidays – Express Homebuyers
Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac are halting foreclosures until the New Year. The two week break will allow families to celebrate the holidays without fear of eviction. This gives you more time to avoid foreclosure.
Could A Fresh Start Be Your Best Holiday Present?
The New Year is typically a time when people consider fresh starts. One way to do that if your prospects for getting ahead are pretty limited is to rid yourself of house debt for a while.
Loan Modification Program On Track, But..
The most recent report released December 10 indicated that the program is not only on target but ahead of schedule in terms of people who are at some point in the process.
New Home Buyer Credit Help Will Bring You Short Sale Buyers
If you are trying to sell your home at short sale, the extended, expanded home buyer tax credit could be your best friend. Short sales are ideally a...