Whether you're selling your house because its a "sellers market" or because you're facing financial hardship and want to avoid foreclosure, we have...
Homeowner Problems
How to Find Lead in Your Home & Protect Your Family
If you’ve found lead in your home, you aren’t alone. According to HUD, over 34.6 million homes in the U.S. have lead. This is because lead paint...
Alienation Clauses and How They Impact Home Sales
Found in the fine print of almost every mortgage is something called an alienation clause. Don’t worry though, it has nothing to do with...
What is an Encumbrance?
An encumbrance is a limit on how a home or property owner can use their land. Encumbrances are imposed by a third party like a neighbor or your...
What To Do If Your Home Has Hail Damage
Hail happens, and if you have hail damage to your home, know that you aren’t alone. Hail damage is one of the top homeowners claims each year, with...
Restrictive Covenants and What To Know Before You Buy
When you find your dream home, you may also find restrictive covenants attached. Don't worry, restrictive covenants are common and occur on almost...
What Is An Easement In Real Estate And What Does It Do?
When you buy a property, you expect it to be yours, and yours alone. But that isn’t always the case. Sometimes you could find there is an easement...
What is a Short Sale in Real Estate?
A short sale in real estate is when a homeowner sells their house for less money than they owe on their mortgage. Short sales normally occur when...
What To Do If You Have A Mouse Infestation
If you hear suspicious noises behind your walls, bits of chair cushions are missing, or you are seeing moving shadows out of the corner of your eye,...
What is a Tax Lien?
A tax lien is a hold placed on your property by the government (local or federal) if you don’t make your tax payments. While a tax lien does not...