Foreclosure means that a lender has begun the process to take possession of a borrowers’ home after the borrower has defaulted on multiple,...
Homeowner Problems
How to Sell A House With Termites Fast
From foundation and structural problems to replacing frames and floors, termite infestations range from minor annoyances to significant safety...
Top 5 Home Repairs Before Selling [INFOGRAPHIC]
If you want to do home repairs before selling your home, you'll need to choose which projects you need to do and which ones are most cost effective....
“My House Needs Work” – How to Sell a House with Massive Repairs
If you’re reading this article, then you’re probably worried about selling your house which is in need of serious repairs. It could be that your...
Inheriting a House and the Taxes You Need to Know About.
You just inherited a house, and you’re deciding to either sell the house or move into the place. Well, before you decide anything, you should hear...
What To Do When You Inherit a House – Complete Guide to Selling Fast
Inheriting a home in the District of Columbia, Maryland, or Virginia can be both a wonderful gift and a challenging burden. If you inherited a...
Facing Foreclosure? How to Avoid It and Keep Your Home
Every year thousands of Americans fall behind on their mortgages. If you have fallen behind on your mortgage payments, don't panic! You can still...
Should You Paint Walls White Before Selling Your House?
You’ve heard a lot about the trend in the DC metro area of painting walls gray when you want to sell your house fast. It’s a color that provides you...
Bathroom Renovations That will Help Sell Your House Fast.
Everyone knows kitchens can sell your house fast. However, bathrooms are a very close second, especially a master bathroom. As a matter of fact,...
Winter Cleaning To Ward Off Cabin Fever – Express Homebuyers
Everyone talks about spring cleaning, but perhaps it makes even more sense to focus on New Year cleaning. The weather hasn’t been too wintery cold...