Times are tough, and some homeowners feel defeated by impending foreclosure. Some try to work out a solution with their bank. Others try to do a short sale.
Real Estate Investing
Strategic Default Allows Some Homeowners to Swim Back to the Top
The dilemma today for many considering loan modifications or even considering whether to move from the trial to the permanent phase of the process is whether it is worth it in the long run.
Loan Modification Program On Track, But..
The most recent report released December 10 indicated that the program is not only on target but ahead of schedule in terms of people who are at some point in the process.
New Home Buyer Credit Help Will Bring You Short Sale Buyers
If you are trying to sell your home at short sale, the extended, expanded home buyer tax credit could be your best friend. Short sales are ideally a...
A TV Story Brought Home
Did you see the Dr. Phil Show the other day? A guest recalled how devastated she was to find the sheriff on her front steps, with an eviction order...
A Word of Hope
The worst thing about being in a position like impending foreclosure is that you are pushed to your limit. Even in an economy where foreclosure is...
Is Loan Modification for You?
Loan modification is a good first step for homeowners in financial trouble who want to keep their homes. In the housing boom from 2004-2006, many...
Alternatives for a Fresh Start
If you are in financial distress and fear you will lose your home, you may feel frustrated and hopeless. Some of the alternatives presented to you may seem pretty much the same: you will lose your home.
Understanding Short Sales
You’ve probably been hearing a lot about short sales in the past few months- chances are you know someone who’s been through the process. And if...
Fighting Foreclosure
There’s a new F-word these days, and it isn’t the one you’re thinking of. “Foreclosure” is the term those of us struggling to hold onto homes hate...