With over 50% of American marriages ending in divorce, many Washington DC residents are searching for advice on selling a home during a divorce. A...
House Selling Tips
It’s a Shame to Not Get a Fair Offer When Selling an Inherited Property in Washington DC
Alicia called us on July 18th after seeing an Express Homebuyers commercial on TV. She was interested in selling an inherited property in Washington...
[Video] Selling an inherited house Woodbridge Va
Over the summer, Juanita and her three brothers inherited a house on Regency Court in the Belmont subdivision in Woodbridge, Virginia. While the...
Selling a Rental Property after the Tenants Vacate
We received a call in August about a rental property that the caller’s mother wanted to sell. Roberta owned a house in the Chateauneuf area of...
Companies That Buy Houses
Imagine you were barraged with companies that buy houses at a time when you just inherited a property through a trust. The property was in need of...
Avoiding False Investors when Selling a Home
There are many investors and business out there that will offer to buy your home. However, making the correct choice between them isn’t as simple as...
How To Sell a Home with Problem Tenants in Washington D.C.
Having bad tenants who refuse to pay rent can seem like a nightmare for any landlord. But this nightmare took a different turn for homeowner Mary...
6 Ways to Get Out from Under a Mortgage
Once you sign on the dotted line for your mortgage, you enter into a solid, long-lasting commitment. It can outlast the house or owner itself! To...
10 Reasons to Declutter to Sell Your Home Fast
When you want to sell your home, first declutter it. In markets where there is a lot of competition among sellers who want to make their home stand...
Calculate the True Cost of Selling Your Home
Real estate commissions are only a part of the expenses you might incur when you sell your house. No matter how skilled an agent you hire, the...