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House Selling Tips

RIP, Uncle Max

We want to help get the money from your inheritance that Uncle Max wanted you to have, or put you in a position to settle his estate. Call us at 1-800-SELL-2-US (1-800-735-5287).

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Alternatives for a Fresh Start

If you are in financial distress and fear you will lose your home, you may feel frustrated and hopeless. Some of the alternatives presented to you may seem pretty much the same: you will lose your home.

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Need Foreclosure Help in Prince Georges County? You Won’t Find It on Late Night TV

Suppose you are in a bad situation and you fear you will lose your home. You are up late fretting about this, when all of a sudden, as you are trying to channel surf your problems away, you hear an infomercial that someone has the answer to your housing woes! They will share it with you, if you just call for free mortgage help. Operators are standing by…

It is too good to be true. Though all the great economic and social thinkers in the country are struggling to find a solution to the housing crisis, you have found the answer at 3 am.

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Cutting Down on Clutter

Cutting Down on Clutter

Where Did All This Stuff Come From…? Whether or not you’re planning to sell your house any time soon, it never hurts to get things in order.  Even...

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Understanding Short Sales

You’ve probably been hearing a lot about short sales in the past few months- chances are you know someone who’s been through the process. And if...

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Fighting Foreclosure

There’s a new F-word these days, and it isn’t the one you’re thinking of.  “Foreclosure” is the term those of us struggling to hold onto homes hate...

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A Peer Recommendation

As the top-selling Keller Williams real estate agency in the metro DC area, we make a point of knowing people and building our network, whether it’s...

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Beat the Rush

Navigating the real estate market can be a demoralizing process.  Quality homes are few and far between, and quality homes in attractive locations...

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