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Affordable Ideas to Stage your Bathrooms well for a Home Sale – Part 1

This is the first post in a four post series. For details on inexpensive staging ideas for your bathroom, keep following this blog.

How many times have you cringed to take a peek and check if the bathroom was clean? Entering an unkempt bathroom can be quite a stomach churner and can put people off very easily. The size of a bathroom can be important for some, but what has more value is how clean it seems. The level of bathroom maintenance can serve as a good parameter to gauge how well-kept or ill-kept a house is.

If you’re looking for some inexpensive ideas to stage and present your bathroom more effectively, you’ve come to the right place. For more inexpensive ideas on preparing your house for a sale, visit our other blogs.

Bathrooms well for a Home Sale

Getting Ready for Staging:

Even before you begin putting things in place, you need to ensure that your bathroom space looks sparkly and squeaky clean.

Bleaching: That’s right! Start with bleaching and scrubbing all the scruffy areas. If you do not like bleaching agents, you could look for organic substitutes. Let the bleaching and cleaning agents do their job by letting them soak in all the grime and dirt. Scrub the entire space from top to bottom, till you’re satisfied with the end result.

Mold and Mildew: The steam from a hot bath could initiate the growth of mold and mildew in your bathroom. This is an overgrowth of fungus, and is not just unappealing to look at, but could also cause allergies for some people. Make sure that you look for them in crevices and corners, in and around the tiling area. Sometimes, mold also seems to accumulate on painted areas. Also ensure that you keep your bathroom dry as often as possible.

If you are looking for professional help to sell your home, don’t hesitate to contact us. That’s what Express Homebuyers is here for. In the past five years, we’ve sold over 800 homes within the DC metro area, and we’re not done yet! If we can’t sell your house in 60 days, we guarantee to buy it from you, no matter what the condition.

Need more tips on how to sell your home fast? Check out our list of 22 tips.

For more ideas on staging your bathroom for a home sale, keep watching out for this space.

If you have any tips or suggestions that you’d like to share, please feel free to comment on this blog post.

About Greg Allen

About Greg Allen

Greg Allen has been a versatile member of the Express team since 2004, evolving from a house painter to his current role as the Director of Dispositions. In his role, he is responsible for aligning properties with suitable investors.

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